portable water filtration device that removes bacteria, parasites, microplastics, silt, sand, and cloudiness from drinking water. The standard 28mm threading on the filter allows it to be screwed onto most common water bottles. The one-handed flip cap makes on-the-go filtration super easy and fast: fill up a 1L bottle in just 20 seconds. Great for hiking, backpacking, camping, emergency situations, travel or on-the-go needs. At less than 2 ounces, and 2,000L of clean drinking water, no backpack, pocket, emergency bag, or glove compartment should be without one.
Weight: 1.7oz / 48.2g
Height: 5.1in x 1.3in / 12.9cm x 3.30cm
99.999999% of bacteria
99.999% of parasites
99.999% of microplastics, silt, sand, and cloudiness
Lasts up to 500 gal | 2,000 L (the filter will stop allowing water to flow through once it has reached the end of its lifetime!)
Pore size: 0.2 micron